sreda, 2. junij 2010

še LIDA 2010

Na LIDI smo poslušali tudi videopredavanje Christine L. Borgman, profesorice na univerzi v Kaliforniji (UCLA) o tem kaj se Humanistika lahko nauči iz e-znanosti.
(The Digital Future is Now: What the Humanities can Learn from eScience), ki je bilo objavljeno jeseni 2009 v reviji Digital Humanities Quaterly (3/4)

V odlomku govori o t.i. "End of Theory"

The digital humanities are at a critical moment in the transition from a specialty area to a full-fledged community with a common set of methods, sources of evidence, and infrastructure — all of which are necessary for achieving academic recognition. As budgets are slashed and marginal programs are eliminated in the current economic crisis, only the most articulate and productive will survive. Digital collections are proliferating, but most remain difficult to use, and digital scholarship remains a backwater in most humanities departments with respect to hiring, promotion, and teaching practices. Only the scholars themselves are in a position to move the field forward. Experiences of the sciences in their initiatives for cyberinfrastructure and eScience offer valuable lessons. Information- and data-intensive, distributed, collaborative, and multi-disciplinary research is now the norm in the sciences, while remaining experimental in the humanities. Discussed here are six factors for comparison, selected for their implications for the future of digital scholarship in the humanities: publication practices, data, research methods, collaboration, incentives, and learning. Drawing upon lessons gleaned from these comparisons, humanities scholars are "called to action" with five questions to address as a community: What are data? What are the infrastructure requirements? Where are the social studies of digital humanities? What is the humanities laboratory of the 21st century? What is the value proposition for digital humanities in an era of declining budgets?

This is a pivotal moment for the digital humanities. The community has laid a foundation of research methods, theory, practice, and scholarly conferences and journals. Can we seize this moment to make digital scholarship a leading force in humanities research? Or will the community fall behind, not-quite-there, among the many victims of the massive restructuring of higher education in the current economic crisis? Much is at stake in the community’s ability to argue for the value of digital humanities scholarship and to assemble the necessary resources for the field to move from "emergent" to "established."
The sciences, arts, and humanities have converged and diverged in various ways over the centuries. In the area of digital scholarship, many interests are in common across the disciplines. It is the pace of adoption that is divergent. The sciences, and to a lesser extent the social sciences, have been successful in developing the technical, social, and political infrastructure for digital scholarship under the rubrics of cyberinfrastucture — the term used in the U.S., and eScience — the term more widely used in the U.K. and elsewhere [U.K. Research Council e-Science Programme 2009]; [Atkins et al. 2003]. Digital scholarship remains emergent in the humanities, while eScience has become the norm in the sciences. The humanities need not emulate the sciences, but can learn useful lessons by studying the successes (and limitations) of cyberinfrastructure and eScience initiatives.
While leaving definitions of "the humanities" to the reader, two complementary definitions of "digital humanities" provide a useful scope statement. Frischer’s definition is "the application of information technology as an aid to fulfill the humanities’ basic tasks of preserving, reconstructing, transmitting, and interpreting the human record" [Frischer 2009, 15]. One resulting from the UCLA Mellon seminar claims that "Digital humanities is not a unified field but an array of convergent practices that explore a universe in which print is no longer the exclusive or the normative medium in which knowledge is produced and/or disseminated" [Digital Humanities Manifesto 2009]. Taken together, the digital humanities is a new set of practices, using new sets of technologies, to address research problems of the discipline...

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